Pink and Green Polka Dots Ribbon Angels - 626

Pink and Green Polka Dots Ribbon Angels - 626


My ribbon angels are made with a wooden head, and wire ribbon. Each Angel is decked out with several layers of ribbon. These angel ornaments keep very well from year to year. When you are ready to decorate just fluff up the loop and your angel is ready for any Christmas decor. My ribbon angels are an exceptional gift for sick and shut in, thinking of you, unexpected guest, holiday table favor.


Length - 9 inches from the tip of the wing to the bottom of the ribbon

Width - 6 inches

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Please note that orders must be place December 15th to be shipped by Christmas, guaranteed. Also, if you are purchasing multiple angels there are promo codes for discounts available that can be found on the home page. Enjoy this season of Joy and Hope.

Peace and Blessings

-Carole Brothers